Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wednesday Nov 23

I started off a little "light" today, as I knew today was going to be ... difficult. I showed everyone the app Ocarina, which is a pan flute app for you iOS device. Funny stuff, man.

So today ... took up the two questions for homework and added another one - 34 - to the list that are due Nov 30th. As a part of that discussion, we talked about the Star Wars Kid, ORLY and one of the newest internet memes, the UC Davis Officer. We linked these to the book, being able to think for oneself and being able to express one's opinion without fear of those in power.

After, we read until page 263 of the text. I hate stopping half way through a chapter, but I more or less had to this time. Meh, life goes on. After the break, we got a chance to watch the rest of the 1984 version of the film, 1984. The scene with O'Brien and Smith in the small room, was, well, really uncomfortable for some.

Others were on Facebook or playing video games, much to my chagrin.

After the film, we got a chance to search Twitter for Occupy Toronto and got a bit of a chance to talk and comment on what they were doing. Some, of course, didn't know what they were doing.

Me? I say I can do only so much to help you learn about what is going on in your world. I can read the books to you, I can show you the movie interpretations, too. You have those distracting pieces of technology in your hands... use them for something other than playing Angry Birds and do some learning with them

It starts here:

Learning in Hand

And it never stops.

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